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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-14 18:46:47

> I have been playing with the pieces of the date_time library I need
> (the line below, on the other hand, was from one of the date_time
> examples) and so far everything seems to be working without my doing
> anything unusual or different. So this is good.
> BTW are you suggesting the CVS version is more up to date?

Yes there are some additions and fixes in the CVS version that
are not in 1.29. In particular, the way the locale::id static
stuff is declared is was moved from a cpp file to an hpp file,
which is why I was asking. This was to fix an issue with the
VisualAge compiler getting a missing symbol. Oddly in the 1.29
version you should be getting the id symbol from the library so
I'm not sure how you are getting a duplicate symbol. I'm still
thinking it has something to do with precompiled headers...


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