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From: shaneforbes (shaneforbes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-15 11:58:31

date bogus_date_I_hope(2002,02,29);

I was hoping the above date would not be allowed (2002 is not a leap

However I notice that the date_time library considers this to be Mar
01, 2002.

This is reasonable but what if I want the stricter interpretation -
i.e, "20020229 is not a valid date".

After all the date_time library does not allow 20020232 and a not too
unreasonable person might say "Well if 2002029 is converted to
20020301 why isn't 20020232 converted to 20020304."

Short of creating my own logic is there a way for the date_time
library to not accept invalid dates?

I was hoping is_not_a_date() would not allow 20020229.

If there isn't a simple way of coercing the right range for dates, is
there some document out there that I can point to to say "Hey the
decision to wrap a restricted range of invalid dates is quite ok -
look at this document (from XYZ)."

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