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From: Darin Adler (darin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-11-15 10:51:44

On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 02:56 AM, Roland Weiss wrote:

> Using CW8, I have a strange problem. When I add the Boost root to the
> access path, the compiler finds the according boost headers, but
> inside the config header the Boost lib looks up some headers using
> this syntax: #include <user.hpp> and so on. CW8 then fails to find
> these headers. If I change <user.hpp> to "user.hpp" all works fine
> (but it fails on the next header in angle brackets).

Add the Boost root to the bottom list, System Paths, not the top list
User Paths. Or choose the Always Search User Paths switch. It's also a
good idea turn off the little folder symbol that means "search
recursively" next to the Boost root in the paths list.

     -- Darin

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