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From: Stephen Jackson (stephen.jackson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-03 17:29:49

eydelber wrote:
> Code is here:
> Just compile everything together and run ./try.cgi, and from there
> enter an sql string similar to (you'll also have to create a table
> first like this: "create table test (one int)"):
> insert into test (lkfsdjlkafdjklfsdajflkjfdklsjfsdlkjsfldkjfskldaj)
> values (1);

With some difficulty, I have reproduced your problem with GCC 3.2 on Red
Hat 8.0.

The difficulties were mainly non-conforming code:
        1. Get James Clark's expat parser.
        2. Include <iostream> where necessary.
        3. Add further using directives where necessary.
        4. Remove the non-conforming duplication of default parameter values in
the headers and the implementation files.
        5. There are further warnings which matter but are irrelevant to this

In the general case, if a C++ program compiled with GCC prints "Aborted"
and exits, this is caused by an unhandled exception.

In this case, you promise that textdb::TextDB::execute will only throw
TextDBException. However, RegEx::Match is thowing a different exception.
You are not handling this exception in textdb::TextDB::execute, and you
have promised not to leak it; the result is that GCC causes your program
to abort.

By removing the throw specification from your function and adding extra
catches in main(), I can tell you that RegEx::Match is throwing an
exception whose what() reports "Max regex search depth exceeded."

I hope this helps.


Stephen Jackson


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