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From: eydelber (eydelber_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-04 17:56:37

Well, you are absolutely right. The weird thing is that I tried to
catch exceptions within my execute method, but for some reason it
wasn't catching anything; however, now that I tried the stripped
down code that I replied with to John Maddock, and added a catch, I
get the error that you also found.

Now that my problem has finally been isolated, do you know what this
exception means? I didn't think that the regex was that
complicated, and it works fine for other regex's that are very
similar. What specifically is search depth?

Also, following up on your introduction to your answer, can you
expand on the problems you had compiling, and any general problems
you found with my code? I am only 18, and I've just started getting
into C++, so I am trying to learn as much as possible from people
who know what they are talking about. It is obvious that I have
made many mistakes, as you point out, so any expansion on these
would be extremely helpful. I am running GCC 2.96 with -Wall, and I
didn't have any warnings or errors compiling, so how did you have so
many problems with GCC 3.2? It doesn't seem too backwards-
compatabile if I am not having problems and you are.

A few questions on only the comments that you included:

2: Where did you have to include <iostream>?
3: Again, where did you have to add using directives?
4: Do default values only have to be in the declaration?
5: Can you expand further on these unmentioned warnings?

Thank you VERY much for all your help, I learn something new


--- In Boost-Users_at_y..., Stephen Jackson <stephen.jackson_at_s...>
> eydelber wrote:
> >
> > Code is here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Just compile everything together and run ./try.cgi, and from
> > enter an sql string similar to (you'll also have to create a
> > first like this: "create table test (one int)"):
> >
> > insert into test
> > values (1);
> >
> With some difficulty, I have reproduced your problem with GCC 3.2
on Red
> Hat 8.0.
> The difficulties were mainly non-conforming code:
> 1. Get James Clark's expat parser.
> 2. Include <iostream> where necessary.
> 3. Add further using directives where necessary.
> 4. Remove the non-conforming duplication of default
parameter values in
> the headers and the implementation files.
> 5. There are further warnings which matter but are
irrelevant to this
> exercise.
> In the general case, if a C++ program compiled with GCC
prints "Aborted"
> and exits, this is caused by an unhandled exception.
> In this case, you promise that textdb::TextDB::execute will only
> TextDBException. However, RegEx::Match is thowing a different
> You are not handling this exception in textdb::TextDB::execute,
and you
> have promised not to leak it; the result is that GCC causes your
> to abort.
> By removing the throw specification from your function and adding
> catches in main(), I can tell you that RegEx::Match is throwing an
> exception whose what() reports "Max regex search depth exceeded."
> I hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Stephen Jackson
> --
> stephen.jackson_at_s...

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