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From: Stephen Jackson (stephen.jackson_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-05 01:17:56

eydelber wrote:
> Well, you are absolutely right. The weird thing is that I tried to
> catch exceptions within my execute method, but for some reason it
> wasn't catching anything; however, now that I tried the stripped
> down code that I replied with to John Maddock, and added a catch, I
> get the error that you also found.

I would expect that catching within your execute method should work.
However, your stripped down standalone example does show the same
exception being thrown by RegEx::Match.

> Now that my problem has finally been isolated, do you know what this
> exception means? I didn't think that the regex was that

I don't have time to debug it right now. Perhaps John Maddock may be
able to help now that you have posted a simplified case.

> Also, following up on your introduction to your answer, can you
> expand on the problems you had compiling, and any general problems
> you found with my code? I am only 18, and I've just started getting

I'll mail you off list since these are not Boost issues. It could be
tonight (UK time), or possibly this weekend.

> Thank you VERY much for all your help, I learn something new
> everyday.

No problem. We are all learning.


Stephen Jackson


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