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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-10 06:41:21

> I am very interested in the Unicode version of this library for some
> PC apps.
> Is anyone aware of any ports of regex++ to Windows CE?

As far as I know it should just plain build without modification, certainly
people have been using it on CE.

> The dll version of the parser seems to be rather large, about
> ½ meg for the release version, and 600K for the debug version. This seems
> to be very large (the gnu rx parser is well below 100K), and I would
> there to be a greater difference in the code size between debug and
> versions. Is there a way to cut this code sized down? Or do I need to do
> something different to build it?

Cutting the dll size down (or rather splitting it into separate mini-dll's)
is on the todo list. Until then just static link to the lib, for narrow
character regexes that results in about a 50K overhead with VC.NET, I don't
know what it is for wide character regexes, probably a bit larger, but
shouldn't be by much.

John Maddock

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