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From: klapshin klapshin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-11 17:43:59


I just plugged program execution monitor in my code and there are
certain things I don't really like.

First of all is not it odd to see a contradictory messages like:

no errors detected

**** error return code 1
********** errors detected; see standard output for details

I don't really need this "no errors detected" message. Looking into
code I found a way to turn it off -- I have to define an environment
I have a way to control this behavior. This is good. Bad news though
 that the way to control is quite an awkward one. I would like to
have some internal control, probably overwritable via environment

Another concern is that I have no control on return codes in case of
exceptions and runtime errors.

For instance in my company all programs have to return 1 in case of
failure (and 0 on success). Other return codes are no-no. I am sure there are zillions
of different environments with different, often contradictory
requirements for error handling.

The point I am trying to make is that it is not that difficult to
make Monitor more flexible, and it will increase its value

The ultimate solution would be giving user an opportunity to supply
error-handling function which will print out whatever it want to, and
return desired return code.

Best regards,
Kirill Lapshin

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