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From: Gennadiy E. Rozental rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-13 05:43:47

> I don't really need this "no errors detected" message. Looking into
> code I found a way to turn it off -- I have to define an
> environment variable.
> I have a way to control this behavior. This is good. Bad news
> though that the way to control is quite an awkward one. I would
> like to have some internal control, probably overwritable via
> environment variable.

What kind of internal control you need: compile time, runtime time?
And how it will be more convenient than existent one?

> Another concern is that I have no control on return codes in case
> of exceptions and runtime errors.
> For instance in my company all programs have to return 1 in case of
> failure (and 0 on success). Other return codes are no-no. I am
> sure there are zillions
> of different environments with different, often contradictory
> requirements for error handling.

The current return codes scheme seems to fit in majority of the
cases. Would you need something different, as you mention in your
other post, you could always use execution monitor directly.


P.S. Be aware of upcoming changes in the execution monitor. Check
out cvs and main list for the post: "[Test] revision one".

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