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From: klapshin klapshin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-12 12:10:06

> > that the way to control is quite an awkward one. I would like to
> > have some internal control, probably overwritable via environment
> > variable.
> In case you hadn't though of this workaround:
> if(getenv("VAR") == 0)
> putenv("VAR=defaultvalue");
> Not to say a programmatic method is not worthwhile.

I was thinking of this way, and had to reject it. First of all putenv
is not an ANSI C function. Second, it is still quite far from a clean

In fact after I posted original question, I found a good way to solve
this problem -- boost::execution_monitor. It looks like an ultimate
solution to all my problems. Have not tried it yet though, but will
certainly do it soon.
One can think of program execution manager as a mere example how to
use a boost::execution_monitor.

- Kirill

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