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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-16 08:02:28

> > I'll try to supply Kylix and to make the regression tests working, but
> > this could last some time (if there is no overwhelming demand ;-)
> It would be very nice if you could have a look at it. From what I've heard
> Kylix BCB is very similar to BCB 6 for Windows. So, I don't see why it
> shouldn't be possible to get Boost working with it. Kylix does have a lot
> of bugs though, but most of the bad ones only appear when building shared
> libraries. Why do I want to use Kylix? Because it's very very fast as
> compared to gcc. When compiling the QT library, for example, Kylix is
> approximately six times faster than gcc (optimizations were turned off in
> both compilers).

I've got ublas working with both C++ Builder 6.1 and Kylix 3 now. There are
a lot of fixes required, but I'll be submitting patches soon.


John Maddock

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