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From: Felix E. Klee (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-15 12:34:55

jhr.walter_at_[hidden] wrote:
> First of all, do the ublas regression tests work for Kylix (probably no)?

I wasn't successful to get the regression tests (version 3) working so far.
When trying to build filesystem/example I get several error messages.
Maybe, I should try the regression tests version 2.

> Then, does your code work for GCC, for example (probably yes)?

> I'll try to supply Kylix and to make the regression tests working, but
> this could last some time (if there is no overwhelming demand ;-)

It would be very nice if you could have a look at it. From what I've heard
Kylix BCB is very similar to BCB 6 for Windows. So, I don't see why it
shouldn't be possible to get Boost working with it. Kylix does have a lot
of bugs though, but most of the bad ones only appear when building shared
libraries. Why do I want to use Kylix? Because it's very very fast as
compared to gcc. When compiling the QT library, for example, Kylix is
approximately six times faster than gcc (optimizations were turned off in
both compilers).


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