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From: William E. Kempf (wekempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-18 10:34:32

olivier_debels said:
> --- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "William E. Kempf"
> <wekempf_at_c...> wrote:
>> > <alternative exemplar>
>> > When I implemented the Leader-Follower thread pattern described
> by
>> > Schmidt, et al in Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, I
> couldn't
>> > figure out a way around comparing the thread id to the current
> leader in
>> > the
>> > promote_new_leader function. Probably lack of imagination and/or
>> experience on my part, but having the thread id sure made it
> easier.
>> > </alternative exemplar>
>> If all you need is comparisons, the boost::thread class provides
> this
>> today. That's why I wanted specific requirements for a thread id.
>> Currently the things a thread id can provide that thread does not,
>> are the following:
>> * Can be copied.
>> * Can be turned into a unique string for printing/etc.
>> These features will be accounted for, I just need to be sure these
> are the
>> only features missing.
>> William E. Kempf
> Ok,
> So instead of comparing id's we compare threads. Fine. This means I
> need a map of thread references instead of ids.
> If I have a thread reference and I want to check if it is the
> current active thread I can do the following?
> thread_ref == Thread();
> As far as I understood calling the constructor without arguments
> returns the current thread. So I can compare that one with my
> thread references. That would be great! (I guess it is great)

Accept there is no thread_ref in Boost.Threads. The current version of
Boost.Threads *IS* going to stand in your way here, and I aknowledge that.
 I'm addressing the issues for the next version, but that's why I needed
to know specifically what you need a thread id for. Is it only for
comparisons and display?

William E. Kempf

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at