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From: Martin Johnson (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-18 08:58:26


This has probably been asked before. I cant find doco giving detail. So
excuse me if this is old topic.
I am involved with GPL project that uses boost::threads.

I have a problem understanding implementation and what threadmon.dll is for.
I see that the code is attempting to manage tss stuff.

How is the tss stuff managed when lib is a static link under win32?

Is it correct that if I wish to static link that I need this other
threadmon.dll as well.

Has it been suggested that structured exceptions can perform the same
function on win32 with a finally() handler from within thread_proxy? This is
a gurantee of invocation. The cleanup attempt could though win32 doco states
cleanup is guranteed, though couldnt a lib global could easily handle main
thread cleanup?


Martin Johnson

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