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From: klapshin klapshin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-27 11:35:23

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Jeff Garland" <jeff_at_c...> wrote:
> Sure, I'll put it on the list, but I expect it will be awhile.
> Of course, I'm willing to consult if you want to take a shot
> at doing this :-).
I don't really have much free time at the moment. However I will try
to give it a shot. What is the right place to take latest source code
from? Regular Boost CVS repository on SourceForge?

> > One more thing: it is quite inconvinient that it is prohibited to
> > create a vector of dates. Do you have plans to make it vector
> > compliant?
> > Default constructor could initialize it to not_a_date for instance.
> How about this:
> class yourdate : public boost::gregorian::date
> {
> //your default constructor here
> //copy the constructors you need from the base...
> };
Right, this will do it. I think I shall pursue this way.
However, date is quite a low-level class, and it sounds perfectly
reasonable to create a vector of dates.
My opinion is that ability to create vectors is a strong argument for
providing default constructor; it is not really that important what
exact value it sets date to, as long as it is not a regular date. I
personally have a slight preference for not_a_date.

After all if default value is a real issue we can always parameterize
date with "DefaultValuePolicy" giving users way to control it. I
doubt though that many people will change it.


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