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From: Robert A. Reece (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-22 15:27:28

I put the following line in a file (it's the only line...)

#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>

And compiled as such:
CC -I$BOOST temp.cpp

Under both Forte 6.2u2 (running under Solaris 8) and Forte 7.0 (solaris 9),
it produces the following:

/hades02/pega/pegdevlcl/work> CC -I$PEGDEV3RD/boost/1.29.0 temp.cpp
>> Assertion: (../links/, line 957)
    while processing
at line 118.

Has anybody else seen this? I checked the latest CVS archive and didn't see
any updates to this file.

The odd thing is that line 118 is blank.

Thanks -Rob

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