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From: g9news02 g9news02_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-29 20:06:10

Hi all,

I tried to compile an example provided with the Boost date time
library but kept getting the following error message:

line 23: Warning: Too few arguments in macro BOOST_PP_CHECK_2.
line 23: Error: BOOST_PP_LIST_FOR_EACH_I_M is not defined.
line 23: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
line 23: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
line 26: Warning: Too few arguments in macro BOOST_PP_CHECK_2.
line 26: Warning: Too few arguments in macro BOOST_PP_CHECK_2.
line 26: Warning: Too few arguments in macro BOOST_PP_CHECK_2.
line 26: Error: BOOST_PP_LIST_FOR_EACH_I_M is not defined.
line 26: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
line 26: Error: Use ";" to terminate declarations.
line 27: Warning: Too few arguments in macro BOOST_PP_CHECK_2.

Does anyone know how to fix the problem. Thanks in advance.

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