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From: Edward Diener (eddielee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-12-31 21:19:21

"Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> At 03:07 AM 12/31/2002, Black Ice wrote:
> >The last version of boost has got by CVS.
> >set BOOST_ROOT=d:\boost\boost
> >set VC7_ROOT=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7
> >bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7"
> >
> >Command line error D2016 : '/Za' and '/Ze' command-line options are
> >incompatible
> Sounds like something in your setup is bonkers. The vc7 toolset has been
> problem free for a long time.
> For the .NET 2003 (aka 7.1) testing of the Boost libraries I did in
> September, I added switches /Op -Zc:wchar_t. IIRC, someone from Microsoft
> suggested them for the Boost libraries.

If you use the switch you mentioned, be aware that you are compiling with
C++ native wchar_t support, which is probably what you want, but that if
someone else tries to use the library and does not use this switch, which
means the previous VC++ typedef compatibility for wchar_t, they will fail
during the link phase if you are exporting any functions which pass or
return wchar_t in any way in your library.

I think Boost should promote native C++ wchar_t support, but of course this
will break user modules which take the default. Presently Regex++ uses the
default and not the switch above.

A possible solution, but one that entails more work, is to support both for
VC++ with slightly different library names, one with C++ native wchar_t
support and the other without. This involves more builds and more libraries
distributed for VC++ but will not leave the end user in the lurch who does
not match the option chosen when the library is built.

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