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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-01 09:11:11

At 09:19 PM 12/31/2002, Edward Diener wrote:

>"Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
>> At 03:07 AM 12/31/2002, Black Ice wrote:
>> >The last version of boost has got by CVS.
>> >set BOOST_ROOT=d:\boost\boost
>> >set VC7_ROOT=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7
>> >bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7"
>> >
>> >Command line error D2016 : '/Za' and '/Ze' command-line options are
>> >incompatible
>> Sounds like something in your setup is bonkers. The vc7 toolset has
>> problem free for a long time.
>> For the .NET 2003 (aka 7.1) testing of the Boost libraries I did in
>> September, I added switches /Op -Zc:wchar_t. IIRC, someone from
>> suggested them for the Boost libraries.
>If you use the switch you mentioned, be aware that you are compiling with
>C++ native wchar_t support, which is probably what you want, but that if
>someone else tries to use the library and does not use this switch, which
>means the previous VC++ typedef compatibility for wchar_t, they will fail
>during the link phase if you are exporting any functions which pass or
>return wchar_t in any way in your library.
>I think Boost should promote native C++ wchar_t support, but of course
>will break user modules which take the default. Presently Regex++ uses
>default and not the switch above.

On one hand, it is a always nice if Boost libraries work with default
compiler switches. OTOH, we really want to push in the direction of
increased standards compliance, and that may mean requiring switches.

FWIW, some people within Microsoft are pushing for the increased compliance
switches like -Zc:wchar_t to become the default in the release after 7.1.

>A possible solution, but one that entails more work, is to support both
>VC++ with slightly different library names, one with C++ native wchar_t
>support and the other without. This involves more builds and more
>distributed for VC++ but will not leave the end user in the lurch who
>not match the option chosen when the library is built.

I'll leave that decision to John Maddock and the others most directly


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