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From: Edward Diener (eddielee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-01 10:57:15

"Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> At 09:19 PM 12/31/2002, Edward Diener wrote:
> On one hand, it is a always nice if Boost libraries work with default
> compiler switches. OTOH, we really want to push in the direction of
> increased standards compliance, and that may mean requiring switches.
> FWIW, some people within Microsoft are pushing for the increased
> switches like -Zc:wchar_t to become the default in the release after 7.1.
> >A possible solution, but one that entails more work, is to support both
> for
> >VC++ with slightly different library names, one with C++ native wchar_t
> >support and the other without. This involves more builds and more
> libraries
> >distributed for VC++ but will not leave the end user in the lurch who
> does
> >not match the option chosen when the library is built.
> I'll leave that decision to John Maddock and the others most directly
> affected.

Perhaps the decision should be made consistent throughout any Boost library
exporting wchar_t functionality. A new Boost macro might be able to enforce
it for VC++ 7.0 and higher throughout Boost. I am sure it would be
disconcerting to end users to find that Boost implementation X, which uses
wchar_t for VC++, uses it one way while Boost implementation Y, which uses
wchar_t for VC++, uses it the opposite way.

I too agree that the native C++ wchar_t in VC++ 7 and higher should be the
default for further Boost releases. It is important that end-users are told
of this change, where applicable, if it is made.

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