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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-08 08:09:11

> I got that too. I tried to fix it by moving the .cpp files from
> boost_1_29_0\libs\date_time\src\gregorian to
> boost_1_29_0\boost\date_time\gregorian. And it seemed like I also
> needed to rename the .ipp file in boost_1_29_0\boost\date_time to be
> .cpp. Don't know for sure if it worked because I now get: fatal error
> C1063. Too many templates I guess :(

Not really. I suggest you restore the code to it's original form.
It has been compiled and tested with VC6. The problem is that in
your vc project preprocessor settings you need to set the DATE_TIME_INLINE
flag. In project settings-> C/C++ ->Preprocessor and add the DATE_TIME_INLINE
to the Preprocessor definitions and it should work ok. This is described
(perhaps a bit cryptically) in the docs:

It was an unfortunate foul-up on my part that users are required to
set this in their projects. In the next release this requirement
will be removed.



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