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Boost Users :

From: Simon Bailey conic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-08 18:44:23

Suddenly I remember why I wanted the directory structure change...

I could achieve what I want by moving BOOST_ROOT/boost into my
INCLUDE directory. But the disadvantage with that is that I need to
perform a move operation.

*** In my current development environment, my source control
directory structure mirrors my release directory structure exactly.

So, in source control I have:

----/boost <- headers are here
--/my_lib <- headers are here

But, in my release I want to have:
----/boost <- headers are here
----/my_lib <- headers are here

I was suggesting the change so that source control and relase could
be the same. This would necessitate that documentation and source
for boost would have to be within the boost (include) directory.
Some might find that a worse alternative I suppose.

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