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Boost Users :

From: Simon Bailey conic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-08 18:33:09

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Paul Mensonides" <yg-boost-
users_at_m...> wrote:
> "William E. Kempf" <wekempf_at_c...> wrote in message
> > That still misses the point. Boost currently won't help you to
> the library, but installation certainly wouldn't entail copying the
> $BOOST_ROOT tree to the $INCLUDE directory on your system. You'd
only copy
> the $BOOST_ROOT/boost tree there.
> Yes, and this is why I said that it hasn't been a problem for me.
> I see where the OP is coming from as well.
> Paul Mensonides

Paul understands me correctly. I confused the issue by making two
requests at once.

Mainly, I want to include other libraries alongside boost and provide
a single include path. That is the first wish. Bill has pointed out
that I could move BOOST_ROOT/boost into my INCLUDE directory. I
didn't know that - I thought it might break things.

The second thing I was suggesting (and this is quite minor) was that
we make the change to include smart_ptr.hpp (etc.) and thread.hpp
(etc.) at the same directory level. I thought that the
subdirectories (like /thread) were the way of the future. I didn't
realise that the plan was to move all the headers into

So it seems my first wish is not needed and my second wish is already
on the drawing board. :-)


Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at