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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-09 07:52:59

> Ok Jeff, I hope you can help with this one. Created a date object and did a
> call to cout with to_simple_string(0) and got linker errors. Program and
> error are below. I looked at the greg_month.hpp file and realised that the
> methods complained about are declared but not implemented. Could this be the
> source of the problem?

Looks like you haven't built and/or included libboost_date_time in your
project settings. One problem with the 1.29 release is that the date_time
build didn't get into the overall Jamfile so you need to go into the
boost/libs/date_time/build library and run bjam to build the library
if you haven't already. Once you have the library you will need to
also include this in your project settings. And, BTW, the methods
are defined in boost/libs/date_time/src/gregorian


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