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Boost Users :

From: Keno (keno_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-21 23:48:05

> Looks like you haven't built and/or included libboost_date_time in your
> project settings. One problem with the 1.29 release is that the date_time
> build didn't get into the overall Jamfile so you need to go into the
> boost/libs/date_time/build library and run bjam to build the library
> if you haven't already. Once you have the library you will need to
> also include this in your project settings. And, BTW, the methods
> are defined in boost/libs/date_time/src/gregorian

We're in business now Jeff! :)

It would definitely be a good thing to have this library included in the
boost jam file. Also maybe a bit of mention in the documentation about this
library inlcusion would be good too.

During my build of the date_time library, I got 3 of the test failing due to
a INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR reported by VC. I'll attempt to build again to
give you an exact occurence.

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