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From: John Maddock (john_maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-10 06:29:24

> We're (still!) in the process up upgrading our software to the latest
> borland compiler, BCB6
> I am now at the stage of trying to get the boost libraries integrated
> into our builds.
> After running bjam I get some libboost_regex libs, but these don't seem
> to be used.
> Reading the separate install procedure under the regex library, I find
> another install procedure that produces a set of libraries targetted at
> BCB that do solve my problems.
> Is this the correct procedure?
> Is there any way to integrate this with the jam scripts in the future?
> If not, should we add a link under installing boost to the separate
> procedure for the regex libraries?

In the generic build instructions, the following appears under

"Optional: if you intend to build the boost Regex library, with either
Visual C++ or Borland C++, then there are makefiles that will generally give
better results. "

John Maddock

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