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From: Bruce Lowery bruce_lowery_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-10 10:32:57

Thank you, and sorry for the confusing question. Yes, I really meant
to ask about a toolset for building the boost libraries on solaris
using a SUNWspro compiler.

In version 1.29.0 distribution, I don't find a toolset under
tools/build that supports building with the sun compiler.

I had hoped that someone had already hacked together one that I could
start with. I attempted to convert gcc-tools.jam, but with little


--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Gennadiy E. Rozental
<rogeeff_at_m...>" <rogeeff_at_m...> wrote:
> --- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Dr Bruce Lowery
> <bruce_lowery_at_y...>" <bruce_lowery_at_y...> wrote:
> > If anyone has a somewhat working jamfile for solaris/forte, could
> you
> > post a copy of it?
> >
> > --bruce
> Your question is a bit strange. Jamfiles are text files that works
> everythere where bjam is working. If you does need an example of
> Jamfile, any library has one. If you need a solaris toolset there
> one in tools/build.
> Gennadiy.

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