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From: Bruce Lowery bruce_lowery_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-01-13 11:31:44

I forgot to mention that I am building the CVS version of the
library, fresh as of Sun night (2003-01-12).


--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Bruce Lowery
<bruce_lowery_at_y...>" <bruce_lowery_at_y...> wrote:
> In building the boost/python library on solaris using v6.2.p2 of
> sunpro compiler, two compile-time errors occur, one in 'cast.hpp'
> the other in 'inheritance.hpp'. Details are below.
> --bruce
> ----------------- 1 --------------------
> boost/boost/python/cast.hpp: line 65:
> Error: Default arguments cannot be added in later
> declarations of the template function in
> the same scope.
> 57 template <class Target, class Source>
> 58 inline Target* downcast(Source* p, yes_convertible)
> 59 {
> 60 return static_cast<Target*>(p);
> 61 }
> 62
> 63 template <class Target, class Source>
> 64 inline Target* downcast(Source* p, no_convertible,
> boost::type<Target>* = 0)
> ***
> 65 {
> ***
> 66 typedef typename base_type_traits<Source>::type base;
> 67 return (Target*)detail::downcast<base>(p,
> convertible<Source*>::check((base*)0));
> 68 }
> ----------------- 2 --------------------
> boost/boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp: line 134:
> Error: ")" expected instead of ">".
> 130 template <class Source, class Target>
> 131 inline void register_conversion(
> 132 // We need this parameter because CWPro7 can't determine
> 133 // which is the base reliably.
> ***
> 134 bool is_downcast = !cast_generator<Source,Target>::is_upcast
> ***
> 132
> 133 // These parameters shouldn't be used, they're an MSVC bug
> workaround
> 134 , Source* = 0, Target* = 0)
> 135 {
> 136 typedef typename cast_generator<Source,Target>::type
> generator;
> 137
> 138 add_cast(python::type_id<Source>()
> 139 , python::type_id<Target>()
> 140 , &generator::execute
> 141 , is_downcast);
> 142 }

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