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From: Amittai Aviram amittai_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-01 18:21:09

I have been trying to link the boost::regex library to a DLL (Release
build) without success and I really need help. I have learned
something new. Hitherto, I have put this line right above my code in
one of my header files, i.e., within the "#if !defined()" block that
prevents duplicate inclusion:


This has no effect on the build whatsoever. The resulting DLL is no
bigger and the client will not work if you rename
boost_regex_vc6_mdi.dll from its place. You get an error message
from the client saying that this file is missing.

If, however, I place the line above as the very first line in a
header file, then, instead, I simply cannot compile and build the
project at all. The compile error I am getting states that there
are "multiply defined symbols"! I.e., the symbols defined in the
library are being defined twice.

This is driving me nuts.

Thanks for any help.

Amittai Aviram

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