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From: Erik Arner (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-03 11:00:48

Chris Russell wrote:

> [lots of valuable tips about caching, paging etc]

Thanks for all the input - I guess the problem is much, much harder than
I expected (as always... :-)

My initial hope was to develop the app in BGL (since I'm somewhat
familiar with it) and try it out on smaller examples just to get
everything up and running. Then I could optimize the graph data
structure for huge datasets without touching the actual code that uses
the graph. Now I'm starting to think that this is a stupid idea and that
I'm better off coding the thing from scratch with the huge dataset in mind.

> And when you're satisfied you can do no better, then if it's still not fast
> enough (and it never is) then you can decide if shelling out the $$$ for
> things like striped fiber channel drive arrays controlled by 64-bit PCI
> controllers is worth it. They certainly make a difference - we used this
> monsters a lot back when I was working on video editing stuff.

Unfortunately it's not up to me - I'd have to convince my boss which
could be... ahem... somewhat tricky :-)

> Hope this
> helps and good luck! What are you crunching out of curiosity (if you're at
> liberty to say?)

It's a tool for shotgun sequence assembly, a technique for puzzling
together large quantities of short DNA sequences into longer contigous
sequences. Google on "shotgun sequencing" for more info.

Again, thanks for valuable comments!

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