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From: acid_til bluc_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-04 11:16:40

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Jeff Garland" <jeff_at_c...> wrote:
> This is probably an issue with the date_time configuration.
> Try changing the compile macros in boost/date_ti
> so BOOST_NO_LONG_LONG_ABS is undefined. This is the relevant
> section of code:
> //Work around compilers that don't have std::abs
> #if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ <= 3)) || (defined(BOOST_MSVC)
&& _MSC_VER <= 1200) || (defined(__BORLANDC__) && (__BORLANDC__
> >= 0x561))
> #endif

I've made the modification, boost.date_time compiled without any
errors but the program still has errors. In particular it complains :

boost\date_time\time_duration.hpp(61) : error C2784: '_Tp __cdecl
_STL::abs(const struct _STL::complex<_Tp> &)' : could not deduce
template argument for 'const struct _STL::complex<_Tp> &' from
'__int64' boost\date_time\time_duration.hpp(60) : while compiling
class-template member function 'long __thiscall
boost::posix_time::time_duration,class boost::date_time::time_res
olution_traits<__int64,4,1000000,6,long> >::minutes(void) const'

I've tried to include "cmath" in boost/date_time/time_duration.hpp...
same error. Tried with "cstdlib" same error... I think i'm missing


> Maybe STLPort is defining std::abs for 64 bit integers...
> Jeff
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: acid_til <bluc_at_v...> [mailto:bluc_at_v...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 8:20 AM
> > To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
> > Subject: [Boost-Users] Incompatibilities between
Date_Time/PosixTime and
> > Boost.Python !?!?!?
> >
> >
> > Hi !!
> >
> > When trying to compile a simple program (just a main and nothing
> > it) I get a lot of compile error... I'm using VC 6.0 SP5, STLport
> > 4.5.3 and boost 1.29.
> >
> > This is what I include in the program :
> >
> > #include <iostream>
> > #include <boost/python.hpp>
> > #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
> >
> > Here are the error messages :
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(33) : error C2782: ' __cdecl
> > _STL::abs()' : template parameter 'T' is ambiguous
> > could be 'long double'
> > or 'const struct _STL::complex<long double> &'
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(33) : error C2785: ' __cdecl
> > _STL::abs()' and 'long double __cdecl _STL::abs(const struct
> > _STL::complex<long double> &)' have different return types
> > \boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(30) : see
declaration of
> > 'abs'
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(33) : error C2782: ' __cdecl
> > _STL::abs()' : template parameter 'T' is ambiguous
> > could be 'double'
> > or 'const struct _STL::complex<double> &'
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(33) : error C2785: ' __cdecl
> > _STL::abs()' and 'double __cdecl _STL::abs(const struct
> > _STL::complex<double> &)' have different return types
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(30) : see declaration
> > 'abs'
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(33) : error C2782: ' __cdecl
> > _STL::abs()' : template parameter 'T' is ambiguous
> > could be 'float'
> > or 'const struct _STL::complex<float> &'
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(33) : error C2785: ' __cdecl
> > _STL::abs()' and 'float __cdecl _STL::abs(const struct
> > _STL::complex<float> &)' have different return types
> > boost\date_time\compiler_config.hpp(30) : see declaration
> > 'abs'
> >
> > Has this been reported ??? Are Boost.Python and posix_time
> > incompatible ??? If not, can someone point to a solution.
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your time.

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