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From: Tom Matelich (tmatelich_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-06 10:01:47

It looks like Beman has upgraded to 7.0, if you look at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: klapshin <klapshin_at_[hidden]> [mailto:klapshin_at_[hidden]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 5:06 PM
> To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
> Subject: [Boost-Users] Intel 7.0 Compiler problems
> Hello,
> Tired of MSVC deficiencies, and hoping to get certain performance
> increase I got evaluation version of Intel C++ compiler. I've heard
> lots of good things about this compiler, and was under impression
> that
> transition from MSVC to ICL should be very smooth. Huh, I had all
> kinds of troubles.
> First of all boost 1.29 gave up saying that it is an unknown
> compiler.
> Looking into config I figured that last known ICL was 6.0, so I just
> hacked it badly by redefining ICL as 600 prior to including any boost
> headers. I understand that it is not a good way, but hey, I am just
> evaluating it.
> Ok now everything compiled, but code using regex failed to link. No
> wonder, I have not build regex library with new compiler. It turns
> out
> that there is no makefile for any intel compiler, so I tried to do it
> with bjam, but seems that bjam did not set CC variable; it invoked
> compilation with just line of flags. At this point I gave up and
> decided to focus on parts of my project which do not depend on regex.
> Next surprise was when I tried to run tests, in debug mode everything
> was fine, but release mode failed miserably. It appears that
> date_time
> library does not work at all with optimization. Even setting /O1 did
> not help, only /Od worked.
> Failures were in very basic date operations, for instance
> boost::gregorian::date(2002,12,27) ==
> boost::gregorian::date(2002,12,27)
> is not true!
> If I first construct a date, then ask for year, it throws, saying
> year
> is out of range.
> I searched through Boost Users and Dev mailing lists, found few posts
> discussing turning on strict ansi checks on intel, and also that in
> this case it is better to use STLport, since STL coming with MSVC
> could not be compiled in ansi mode. I tried to do that but can't
> compile STLport in strict mode either. Using STLport in regular mode
> did not have any effect on problems I am having.
> Here is version the compiler reports:
> Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 7.0 Build
> 20021018Z
> Copyright (C) 1985-2002 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Now, my question is: are these problems well known? If they are, is
> there any plans to fix them in next release?
> And while we at it, when should we expect new release? I know there
> were some discussions about mid-February, is there any update?
> Regards,
> Kirill.
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