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From: klapshin klapshin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-06 14:40:33

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], "Jeff Garland" <jeff_at_c...> wrote:

> >C:\work\icl>icl /MD /Od /DDATE_TIME_INLINE /I..\boost_1_29_0

> >test.cpp

> >

> >C:\work\icl>test

> >

> >Days till new year: 329


> This one is right. And there is another one that is correct as

> Looks like the /MD /Od settings get the correct result.

Yes, basically turning optimization on makes it fail. /Od is fine, /O1
and /O2 fail miserably.

> > As you can see both versions are broken. What I don't understand

> > how come that boost regression tests are Ok? Am I using wrong

> > of Intel Compiler, or am I missing some magic flags to compiler?


> Did you run the regression tests (actually the in 1.29 the build

> runs the tests) or are you counting on the posted regression tests?

> I'm not sure what settings are used in the online regression...

bjam build does not work for me, so I can't really run them easily. So
yes, I was referring to posted regression tests. I tried to compile
and run the tests by hand, and it again worked fine without
optimization, and blew up with optimization.

So I can see few possibilities, either I am using different version of
compiler (mine is Version 7.0 Build 20021018Z), or I am missing
certain magic flags, or something is totally wrong with my computer. I
am inclined to blaim the compiler.

If it is the issue with compiler, then I think we have to bug intel to
fix it. I will do it from my end, but more official request from Boost
would probably be more effective.

- Kirill

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