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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-06 13:43:30

>C:\work\icl>icl /MD /Od /DDATE_TIME_INLINE /I..\boost_1_29_0 /nologo
>Days till new year: 329

This one is right. And there is another one that is correct as well.
Looks like the /MD /Od settings get the correct result.

>...details snipped...
> As you can see both versions are broken. What I don't understand is
> how come that boost regression tests are Ok? Am I using wrong version
> of Intel Compiler, or am I missing some magic flags to compiler?

Did you run the regression tests (actually the in 1.29 the build
runs the tests) or are you counting on the posted regression tests?
I'm not sure what settings are used in the online regression...


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