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From: hunleyexpress mhunley_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-10 14:07:11

I am fairly new to boost (and jamfiles). I am using the threads
library for cross platform thread support. Under the stable build a
library libboost_thread.lib is created to staticly link in to my
project, with seperate libs if I am using the DLL STL or static STL.

That build config is gone in the latest version under CVS, replaced
by a boost_thread dll set up. I want (and need) the old static
version. I have successfully added it back into the jam file so that
all 3 (including the threadmon) are built now, but that isn't
something I really want to have to maintain as I get updates. Is the
static lib intentionally and permanently removed or is it an
oversight/temporary change?


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