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From: William E. Kempf (wekempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-10 15:06:08

> From: "hunleyexpress <mhunley_at_[hidden]>" <mhunley_at_[hidden]>
> Date: 2003/02/10 Mon PM 02:07:11 EST
> To: Boost-Users_at_[hidden]
> Subject: [Boost-Users] building threads lib with latest from CVS
> I am fairly new to boost (and jamfiles). I am using the threads
> library for cross platform thread support. Under the stable build a
> library libboost_thread.lib is created to staticly link in to my
> project, with seperate libs if I am using the DLL STL or static STL.
> That build config is gone in the latest version under CVS, replaced
> by a boost_thread dll set up. I want (and need) the old static
> version. I have successfully added it back into the jam file so that
> all 3 (including the threadmon) are built now, but that isn't
> something I really want to have to maintain as I get updates. Is the
> static lib intentionally and permanently removed or is it an
> oversight/temporary change?

Intentionally removed. In the current library it's easier to deal with a single build type, and since a DLL is required for TLS usage, the static build was removed. In the next version of the library, the implementation is going to have to make use of TLS as well, so you'll always need a DLL, making it pointless to continue providing both a static library and the threadmon.dll.

William E. Kempf

Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at