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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-12 14:06:38

On Wednesday 12 February 2003 12:53 pm, Thomas Pollinger wrote:
> >The limitation is not a language limitation but a library limitation. One
> >cannot compare two boost::function objects because one cannot necessarily
> >compare two arbitrary function objects, and even simpler versions (e.g.,
> >requiring that the boost::function targets have the same type) run into
> >trouble.
> True for comparison. However a C function pointer and a boost::function
> pointer with the same signature virtually have the same type.

I _strongly_ disagree with this. The syntax (and even semantics) may be
similar, in that boost::function can do everything that a function pointer
can do (except comparisons), but the two are distinct entities.

> One would
> expect that a boost::function pointer should be castable to a C style
> pointer, as you can have std::string return a const char * pointer to
> its C style string.

This assumes that boost::function can be implemented with a single function
pointer. As you mention below, this doesn't work if the boost::function
object references a function object with instance data.

> The problem certainly is that boost::function is itself a class and
> you're handling instances of that class. Any access to its instance data
> has to happen through its members which seems to rule out the
> possibility of returning a static or C function compatible type with
> fct_ptr(). That is why I was not sure whether there is something missing
> in C++ where you can bind a member function to an instance of its
> declaring class and as a result getting a C-style compatible function
> pointer.

Actually, there was a proposal to add this to C++0x by some of the folks at
Borland (Borland C++ has closures as an extension). This solves part of the
problem, but not all of it. I often use function objects much more complex
than a simple closure with boost::function. Here's a snippet from my own code
that binds three values and composes function objects. boost::function can
store this function object, but no simple closure extension will be able to
store it:

                   boost::bind(&Attribute::type, _1),


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