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Boost Users :

From: Michel André (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-12 14:16:51

hjlee_at_[hidden] wrote:
> Anyone who knows when boost socket library is comming and where I can
> get beta version..?

Hugo Duncan and I have been juggling ideas about a socket library for boost
and discussing on the boost wiki and partly on the list. And we have started
with an rough sketch of how a socket library for boost could look like. It's
currently checked in into the boost sandbox.
contains some of the discussions. The work has not been progressing as much
as I want due to a heavy workload on my daytime job. But we certainly would
like some feedback on the progress so far at least some pointers if we are
on the right course ;). The implementation in the sandbox has been compiled
with gcc/cygwin, bcc and vc6.0 and vc7.0. So we need some input on porting
to Unix especially the asynchrounous parts.

So I would say that we have a long road to travel to finnish implementation
produce documentation and so we can ask for a formal review. And when we
have come that far there is the formal review ;). So I wouldn't count on
sockets to be a part of boost for some time (unless of course someone else
submits another proposal or helps me and Hugo out on what we have so far to
speed the progess).


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