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From: Paul Mensonides (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-13 17:01:39

markrday_at_[hidden] wrote:
> I've searched the archives, and haven't found a report of successfully
> building Boost using the Sun Workshop compiler, though some messages
> imply that people are using at least some of the libraries with
> Workshop.
> Although I realize we could build the libraries with gcc, we have
> quite a few projects set up in the workshop environment, and I'd like
> to have the option to use Boost libraries with them. Obviously nobody
> has built an appropriate toolset. In my naive attempts to create a
> toolset definiton, and in trying to create a static library from
> components like Date-Time library, I get error messages like:
> add_const.hpp, line 34: Warning: Too few arguments in macro
> There are also errors involving BOOST_PP_LIST_FOR_EACH_I_M (among
> others).
> Can anyone offer me hints on how to get started in resolving these?
> Ultimately I'd like to have the whole suite compiled, but for the time
> being I'd be happy just using Date-Time.
> I'm willing to build a toolset file for this compiler, but I don't
> seem to have the expertise. If there's anyone that is able to provide
> guidance, I can put some time into this, and submit a toolset
> definition file so others can use Boost with this compiler.

Try using the following pp-lib configuration:


Paul Mensonides

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