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From: Michel André (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-21 16:50:38

William E. Kempf wrote:
> I've not made use of alertable threads in Win32 to date. Is it
> generally a good idea to make all waits alertable, or should this be
> something that the user can specify (which will be fun to make
> portable, but that's my problem)? Wouldn't you want all waits to be
> alertable, and not just this specific one in boost::condition?

I think that has to be considedered carefully before making the change.
Especially reentrancy issues could be tricky if we wait in an alertable
state. And I don't know about fairness issues, but my guess would be that a
thread with lots of apcs and iocps posted on the thread would be starved.
Maybe a special build of boost.threads with a warning label ;). But maybe
you will have to enter an alertable state to be able to implement
cancellations (by queuing an apc to be waited for on specific cancellation
points which in this case would be all the cases when the user does an
alertable wait).

>> We currently use this in our own thread (with Windows events) but are
>> looking to update the message queue code and thread code to use
>> boost. With out this change, it would currently break a lot of code
>> if we were to use condition variables.
> This doesn't work for Windows messages, does it? For that you need
> MsgWaitForObject(Ex), right? That's one that's more difficult to
> address for a number of reasons, but it should be addressed as well,
> and is on my list of todos.

Alertable waits can be entered by WaitForMultipleObjectsEx,
WaitForSingleObjectEx, MsgWaitForObjectEx, SleepEx, SignalObjectAndWait. But
the reentrancy issues would also apply for MsgWaitForObject(Ex). Because I
guess the purpose would be to enter a message loop if it signals that there
is something in the event queue.

I don't know how portable the concept would be. But maybe some kind of
intteruptable wait concept would have to be introduced? But in the Windows
case one would have to enter the interuptible wait state and determine the
cause of interruption wich could be apc, iocp or a message in the message
queue. But I think theres some nasty things lurking with these issues that
shouldn't be taken lightly.


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