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From: William E. Kempf (wekempf_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-21 17:33:28

sam said:
> I got the newest bjam.exe and had the same results.
> When I go into the $boost/lib/thread/test/bin/ and run
> the tests, test_mutex has errors, the others don't.
> So I assume my linking to the pthreads is not working properly.
> is there info on how to tell boost which threads to use?

MinGW and Cygwin with -mno-cygwin should both link against the native
threads. I'm still trying to track down some GCC specific issues,

> Is that located in the threads.jam file?

Sort of.

> Or do I just set the PTW32 ENV variable to point to the installation?

If you're using MinGW and for some reason want to use pthreads-win32 as
the implementation, then yes, this would be what you'd do. Note, however,
that this particular build hasn't been tested in quite some time, and I
can't tell you what you're results will be.

William E. Kempf

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