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From: agiatojon JonAgiato_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-25 08:51:24

--- In Boost-Users_at_[hidden], Thomas Reisinger <yg-boost-
users_at_m...> wrote:
> Dear Newsgroup,
> I'm new in the field of numeric computing and I would like to
learn more
> about it. To solve my problem I need to invert a matix and use the
> intermediate result as the input for following calculations.
> I browsed the uBLAS library and played a little bit with it but I
> find a routine for matrix inversion. Is there any possibility to
> it in a single step? Is this package the wrong tool for doing this
and I
> should use LAPACK++ or similar stuff?
> Thanks in advance, Thomas
> --
> Thomas Reisinger
> Braunschweig
> Germany
> mailto:t.reisinger_at_t...

Hello Thomas,
A couple of months ago I had the exact same query. Unfortunatly,
uBLAS does not perform matrix inversion. There are essentially two
options for you. #1: I have found a couple of matrix libraries that
are not of the same level of quality as uBLAS but suit ones needs to
a reasonable degree. You can find these through google, just type
in C++ matrix or something to that effect and you will find many of
them. #2: Obtain "Numerical Recipies in C++." This book is the C++
version of the very popular Numerical Recipies in C book, and
details a lot of frequently used scientific algorithms. You would
then of course have to implement these ideas.

Best of luck in your efforts.

Jon Agiato

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