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From: speedsnaii speedsnaii_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-25 09:16:44

> Hello Thomas,
> A couple of months ago I had the exact same query. Unfortunatly,
> uBLAS does not perform matrix inversion. There are essentially two
> options for you. #1: I have found a couple of matrix libraries
> are not of the same level of quality as uBLAS but suit ones needs
> a reasonable degree. You can find these through google, just type
> in C++ matrix or something to that effect and you will find many of
> them. #2: Obtain "Numerical Recipies in C++." This book is the
> version of the very popular Numerical Recipies in C book, and
> details a lot of frequently used scientific algorithms. You would
> then of course have to implement these ideas.

I am just in the course of learning UBLAS. But I've seen the 'solve'
functions. I expect it should be possible to do matrix inversion with
these. Matrix inversion is nothing more than solving for a matrix
of 'right hand' vectors. Normally you don't really need to invert a
matrix at a whole since for practical purposes it is much faster to
save the decomposed (L-R) parts and then backsupstitute (solve) for
each right hand vector. So I think this is reflected in UBLAS.

But I also would like to see a small example program of how to do
this with UBLAS.

Good luck,

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