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From: speedsnaii speedsnaii_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-26 11:01:14

This is an addendum to my previous post...

I looked into the bayesclasses as you were suggesting and as far as I
see the use of the uBLAS does something I was presuming before. There
is a local Vec and Matrix class which are defined as following:

class Vec: public ublas::vector<double>
    template <class E>
     Vec(const ublas::vector_expression<E>& e) : ublas::vector<double>
         {} // vector_expression conversion constructor
  template <class E>
    Vec& operator=(const ublas::vector_expression<E>& r)
     { // Expression assignment, may be dependant on r
         return *this;

This essentially removes the expression information in the
assignment. Am I right? Now when defining
void foo(Vec& arg) {}
there is no passing of the expression tree to the function, since it
is converted to vector<double> when passed as an argument.
I presume this will create a temporary, won't it?

So I end up wondering whether it is a good idea to use
boost::multi_arry as a container and boost:numeric::matrix for
expression evaluation? Will it be easy to interface back and forth?
Or is this a completely odd idea?

Listening eagerly,

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