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Boost Users :

From: Markus Werle (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-02-26 11:12:32


If someone wants to contribute code to boost:
Is she required to provide the names of all namespaces lowercase?

E.g. someone provides Elefant, the big library.
Is she allowed to have namespace Elefant and perhaps
namespace Elefant::Private, etc.

I could not find any hint except this here, which did not
really help me, since I do not know the standard library's
conventions. Any link/ hint appreciated:

-- citation from the boost docs --
"Naming conventions rationale

The C++ standard committee's Library Working Group discussed this issue in
detail, and over a long period of time. The discussion was repeated again
in early boost postings. A short summary:

Naming conventions are contentious, and although several are widely used,
no one style predominates.
Given the intent to propose portions of boost for the next revision of the
C++ standard library, boost decided to follow the standard library's

best regards,


Boost-users list run by williamkempf at, kalb at, bjorn.karlsson at, gregod at, wekempf at