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Boost Users :

From: Martin Okrslar (okrslar_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-04 14:37:37

Dear Boost users,

for an application in computational biology I am intendig to use the BGL
to compute strongly connected components of a graph with about 600.000

In the BGL book on page 103 it is mentioned, that "The choice to use
std::map to implement the property map is rather inefficient in this
case...". Since my graph is large I'm a bit worried about this statement.

Could anybody of you please give me a hint, what other datastructure I
might use here, to make it efficient?

all the best

Martin Okrslar
MPI for Molecular Genetics          phone: ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1166
Computational Molecular Biology     Fax:   ++ 49 + 30 / 8413-1152
Ihnestrasse 73                      email: okrslar_at_[hidden]
D-14195 Berlin                      URL:

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