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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-04 19:56:10

At 11:37 PM 3/3/2003, kant_rakesh <kant_rakesh_at_[hidden]> wrote:

>I am trying to get boost compiled on OS390. Has anyone done it
>successfully so far?

I haven't heard of anyone using Boost on that platform. Thus you many have
to do some configuration work first.

Please let us know of your progress, and consider posting patches or new
config library files so others can benefit from your experience.

>The compiler on OS390(version2 release10) is complaining of empty
>template parameter. It does not like 'template <>', which is being
>used frequently in the library.

Is this the IBM Visual Age compiler? If so, take a look at the IBM Aix
tests at, since these use
that compiler. As you can see, a later version does quite a bit better than
an older version.

>Any ideas about how to successfully build this on OS390?

A place to start is compiling and running libs/config/config_test.cpp and
viewing the output to make sure your platform, compiler, and library are
recognized correctly. If not, and you need help, post a message here.



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