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From: Edward Diener (eddielee_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-04 19:09:39

Douglas Gregor wrote:
> On Monday 03 March 2003 05:57 am, Russell Hind wrote:
>> Do (or should) all the bost headers force alignment before all
>> structures/classes and then restore the alignment afterwards?
> I don't see any reason that the Boost headers should do this unless
> they require a certain alignment to operate (and this should never be
> the case).

The problem goes deeper than the answer addresses.

Certain compilers allow one to set the alignment ( and enumeration size,
among other command-line changeable qualities which could affect the layout
of data ) using #pragmas in the header files themselves. When this is done
the compiler uses these settings consistently for the data in that header
file no matter what other settings are used in a command-line or IDE build.
Setting these very compiler-specific #pragmas protects the header file, and
appropriate data it encompasses, from being passed incorrectly between the
end-user and the implementation. This ability is a great boon to 3rd party
developers of object-oriented software since it protects their users from
data layout surprises. Both the Microsoft and Borland compilers support such
#pragmas and use the conscientiously for all their RTL and other internal
library header files.

To say that Boost does not want to use the same technique for particular
compilers, when it is available, appears very retrograde to me. Yes, it is
possible that Boost may want to say that it doesn't know what the best
alignment should be and wants to leave it to developers who build the
libraries, but that will not protect the end user unless Boost makes it
clear that developers may alter the distribution for themselves in order ot
provide the correct alignments through these #pragmas. However, as a
practical matter I see little benefit in this approach. The reasons for this
is that alignment, enumeration size, and other possible issues relating to
data layout are not issues which really need much serious decision.

The various compilers do suggest the best default conditions in order to
provide the maximum possible speed on various CPUs but in these days of
faster CPUs, I personally wouldn't spend too much time worrying about
setting other possible values. But whether one chooses to set the default
values or other possible values in the appropriate header files through
#pragmas, as long as one sets some reasonable value, the compiler will use
it and avoid data mismatch.

It is not good enough to just say, build your implementation from the
command line using some value. This is because if it is not seen in the
header file via the appropriate #pragma, when the end-user uses your OOP
construct as defined in the header file, the end-user's command-line or IDE
value at the time he compiles will be used, and this may not be the same as
the value the implementor used to build.

Nor is it good enough to use some command-line or IDE value when building
your implementation and then telling the end-user that they have to use the
exact same value when using your implementation. I hope I don't have to
explain why this is so.

I will anticipate two final objections to using particular compiler #pragmas
in Boost implementation code:

1) It's not mandated in the C++ standard.

Yes, #pragmas are implementation defined, but so what. Lots of other Boost
code deals with implementation shortcomings in a compiler's adherence to the
C++ standard and, while I hope for Boost someday to be able to chuck all
those #ifdef and workarounds regarding many compiler's support for the C++
standard in the garbage, as soon as all C++ compilers are 100% conformant as
they should theoretically be, surely a relatively benign use of #pragmas to
eliminate data layout errors for end-users is worthwhile.

2) Boost developers have to know these #pragma tricks to use them.

John Maddock already uses these #pragmas for VC++ and C++ Builder in his
Boost.Regex++ library. Others will know them for these compilers, as well as
other compilers if they exist, and will be glad to inform Boost developers
about them for the compilers which they know about. Adding them to header
files is a no-brainer experience for both VC++ and C++ Builder and may be
for other compilers which have them.

Finally, I admit as a 3rd party developer on Windows who has supplied
implementation code for end-users of VC++ and C++ Builder, that I consider
it almost "criminal" in a computer programming sense when an end-user is not
protected by these #pragmas from possible changes he may make at the
command-line or from within an IDE. Surely if Microsoft and Borland have
gone out of the way top provide this fail-safe method of eliminating data
layout errors, an intelligent implementor can use these methods.

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