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From: Richard Howells (Richard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 03:20:12

Hi Tarjei,

I can't claim to be really familiar with the graphs so this suggestion may
be a non starter. ISTR that there is an adaptor/filter/view of some kind
that you can place on top of your base graph to allow just a subset of
vertices to be available. Could you apply your DFS to the filtered view? If
so would that be the standard solution?

Best - Richard

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tarjei Knapstad" <tarjeik_at_[hidden]>
To: "Boost-users" <Boost-Users_at_[hidden]>; "Boost-dev"
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:42 PM
Subject: (from: [Boost-Users]) [BGL] Preconditioned color maps?

> On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 21:44, Louis Lavery wrote:
> [I'm cross posting this to the main list as it contains some discussion
> wrt. BGL in general as well]
> I've got it sorted now after having another look at the BGL code,
> and having made my own version of undirected_dfs...
> > > In an algorithm I'm working on I need to do an undirected_dfs using a
> > > visitor for analysis. I know my starting vertex, and I also want the
> > > to skip one of the starting vertex's adjacent vertices (i.e. don't
> > > proceed in the "direction" from the starting vertex). Example:
> > >
> > > d-e-f
> > > /
> > > a-b-c
> > > \
> > > g-h-i
> > >
> > > Starting vertex is 'c' and I want to eliminate the "d-e-f" branch, so
> > > the DFS finds "c-b-a" and "c-g-h-i".
> > >
> > > My first idea was to set up a vertex color map, and set the color to
> > > black for vertex 'd' in the example above, but that doesn't do much
> > > as the undirected_dfs sets all colors to white initially.
> > >
> >
> > Doesn't it invoke dfs_visitor::initialize_vertex(u,g) on every vertex
> > before the start of the search?
> >
> Yes.
> > > My second thought was to feed the vertex I want to eliminate and the
> > > vertex color map to my dfs_visitor implementation, something like:
> > >
> > > discover_vertex(u, g)
> > > {
> > > if (u == blocked)
> > > {
> > > vertex_colormap[u] = black;
> > > }
> > > }
> >
> > If so, you could do something similar in there?
> >
> > Although I can't find in the documentation that it's invoked after the
> > colours have been set (but it is if you look in depth_first_search.hpp).
> >
> > Failing that, dfs_visitor::start_vertex(s,g) is invoked on the source
> > vertex once before the start of the search, so you could look for 'd'
> > in there.
> >
> > Hmm, it doesn't say that dfs_visitor::start_vertex(s,g) is called after
> > the colours have been set (at least I can't find it in the docs), but
> > it doesn't seem sensible to do it the other way round.
> >
> Yes, the colours are set before any of the vistor events are invoked and
> this is now part of my solution after first having overlooked
> start_vertex (initialize_vertex is called first on all vertices, then
> start_vertex, and then the DFS proceeds with discover_vertex etc.)
> My visitor now has two constructors, one for non-restrictive operation
> which just takes an output iterator where I store the wanted results,
> and one which also takes a reference to a vertex descriptor and
> the vector containing the vertex colors. I've got pointers in the
> visitor to both a vertex descriptor and a vector of vertex colours which
> are initialized to NULL in the first, non-restrictive version so that I
> can block 'd' if wanted. To outline (a bit pseudo-codish again):
> template <class OutputIterator, class GraphType>
> class my_recorder : public boost::default_dfs_visitor
> {
> public:
> my_recorder(OutputIterator out)
> : aOut(out), apVertex(NULL), apColorMap(NULL) {}
> my_recorder(OutputIterator out,
> vertex_descriptor& v,
> ColorMap& v_colors)
> : aOut(out), apVertex(&v), apColorMap(&v_colors) {}
> template <class Vertex, class Graph>
> void start_vertex(Vertex u, const Graph& g)
> {
> if (apVertex)
> {
> (*apColorMap)[*apVertex] = Color::black();
> }
> }
> private:
> OutputIterator aOut;
> vertex_descriptor* apVertex;
> ColorMap* apColorMap;
> };
> The second problem however is a property of the DFS algorithm where a
> starting vertex is given that I had overlooked. After the DFS has
> discovered all the vertices reachable from the starting vertex, it will
> continue using any yet undiscovered (white) vertices and use those as
> starting vertices for another search. That means that if I block 'd' in
> my example graph, undirected_dfs will first do the job I intend it to
> starting from 'c', but will then select either 'e' or 'f' as a next
> starting vertice and do a DFS from there until all vertices have been
> discovered. And that was exactly what I was trying to avoid :)
> This leaves two choices:
> 1. Color _all_ the vertices I don't want to visit black, i.e. 'e' and
> 'f' as well in the example. This alone requires almost as much analysis
> as I want to do in the first place.
> 2. Make a "constrained" DFS that will disregard any undiscovered
> vertices after all has been discovered from the starting vertex. This is
> an easy and efficient solution. I've implemented an algorithm called
> constrained_undirected_dfs which is a carbon copy of the undirected_dfs
> algorithm, except that the last loop which goes through any whites left
> has been removed.
> I don't know if it's a thing to consider incorporating into BGL (it
> could also be accomplished by just adding a boolean flag to the DFS
> algos of course), or if I'm just going about things the wrong way here.
> Does this sort of restricted DFS make any sense as a general purpose
> tool? If you have large graphs and for instance want to do DFS/BFS on
> just a small branch of it, this seems to be impractical the way things
> are.
> A possibility (as have recently been discussed IIRC) is to break off the
> DFS by throwing an exception the second time start_vertex is invoked in
> the visitor. I'm not too fond of that solution though, allthough I must
> admit that my visitor implementation above is not exactly "a beaut"...
> Any opinions/views?
> Regards,
> --
> Tarjei Knapstad
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