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From: Tarjei Knapstad (tarjeik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-03-05 04:39:35

On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 09:20, Richard Howells wrote:
> Hi Tarjei,
> I can't claim to be really familiar with the graphs so this suggestion may
> be a non starter. ISTR that there is an adaptor/filter/view of some kind
> that you can place on top of your base graph to allow just a subset of
> vertices to be available. Could you apply your DFS to the filtered view? If
> so would that be the standard solution?
There is one major problem with the subgraph adaptor: to create a
subgraph you need to specify all the vertices from the original graph,
and the adapator then recreates the edges as they are found in the
original graph. Those vertices are exactly what I'm trying to discover
through my "blocked DFS" though, so the adapter solution leaves me at
square one so to speak as I would still need my "constrained" DFS to
create the subgraph adapter.




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